About GUTolution

A biotech startup that focuses on gut microbiome,under the Ideation program of the Hong Kong Science Park

The name GUTolution means "Gut is the solution to your health". We combine science and self-care to provide personalized microbiome health experience, together with "personal gut partner" service.

Through "simple home testing" and "next-generation sequencing technology", we provide you with a unique quantitative view of your microbiome.

We use our most advanced AI engine to analyze your microbiome DNA, turning "translational health science" into "comprehensive microbiome health score" and evidence-based lifestyle, food, and probiotic recommendations.

Learn more from local media news report:

Health Concept - 【AI醫療】AI分析腸道微生態 本地初創GUTolution研發健康智能方案

Health Concept - 【AI醫療】AI分析腸道微生態 本地初創GUTolution研發健康智能方案

信報 - 醫健創科新時代 香港龐大優勢盡顯


信報 - 醫健創科新時代 香港龐大優勢盡顯


精準營養-人工智能-HIaaS-腸道微生態頭條新聞 - 商貿先鋒 - 港初創推AI「護腸」服務