Scientific News Update

Microbiome Precision: Pioneering the Gut-Skin A...
One of the most fascinating and multifaceted connections is the gut-skin axis, where the gut microbiome plays a pivotal role in modulating skin health and disease. Recent advances in research...
Microbiome Precision: Pioneering the Gut-Skin A...
One of the most fascinating and multifaceted connections is the gut-skin axis, where the gut microbiome plays a pivotal role in modulating skin health and disease. Recent advances in research...

Empowering Cognitive Resilience in Aging Minds
As the global population continues to age, the prevalence of health challenges among the elderly is increasing. These challenges include cognitive decline, gastrointestinal inflammation...
Empowering Cognitive Resilience in Aging Minds
As the global population continues to age, the prevalence of health challenges among the elderly is increasing. These challenges include cognitive decline, gastrointestinal inflammation...

Short-Chain Fatty Acids: Essential Nutrients fo...
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are vital components of the human gastrointestinal system and play a crucial role in maintaining gut health. These organic acids are produced through the fermentation of...
Short-Chain Fatty Acids: Essential Nutrients fo...
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are vital components of the human gastrointestinal system and play a crucial role in maintaining gut health. These organic acids are produced through the fermentation of...

Gut Dysbiosis and its Impact on NAFLD: The Role...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), closely linked to gut dysbiosis, is influenced by an imbalance in the composition of gut microbes. The reviewed research employed a meticulous selection process, focusing...
Gut Dysbiosis and its Impact on NAFLD: The Role...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), closely linked to gut dysbiosis, is influenced by an imbalance in the composition of gut microbes. The reviewed research employed a meticulous selection process, focusing...

Gut Health Matters: Boost Your Athletic Potenti...
Our gut is like a bustling ecosystem filled with trillions of tiny organisms, including good bacteria known as the gut microbiota. These microorganisms not only impact our health and well-being...
Gut Health Matters: Boost Your Athletic Potenti...
Our gut is like a bustling ecosystem filled with trillions of tiny organisms, including good bacteria known as the gut microbiota. These microorganisms not only impact our health and well-being...

氨基酸代謝研究 一篇Cell的文章通過分析圍產期大腦不同發育階段的代謝狀態,發現一組氨基酸對出生後神經發育期尤為重要。在哺乳動物體內內源性氨基酸構型通常是L型,但腸道菌大部分是D型,宿主對微生物D-氨基酸的主動分解代謝維持了L型氨基酸的系統優勢。 益生菌的新功能發現 一篇Nature Communications的文章詳細分析了十種嗜黏蛋白阿克曼菌的特性糖苷水解酶,確定關鍵的黏蛋白脫帽岩藻糖苷酶和唾液酸酶對粘蛋白的生長和與黏液相關腸道細菌的營養共用至關重要。另一篇Cell的文章證實益生菌羅伊氏乳桿菌易位到黑色素瘤中,通過其釋放的膳食色氨酸分解代謝物I3A,局部促進產生干擾素γ的CD8 T細胞,從而增加免疫檢查點抑制劑的療效。 結直腸癌和菌群干預的新機制 一篇Nature Communications的文章發現結直腸癌的發生與宿主-菌群的代謝相作有關,其中AA合成途徑中的限速酶Delta-5去飽和酶FADS1-花生四烯酸AA軸調節革蘭氏陰性菌的腸道微生態增強花生四烯酸代謝促進了結直腸癌的發展。另一篇Cell Metabolism的文章證實在結直腸腫瘤發生過程中,宿主的尿素迴圈代謝被顯著啟動,同時缺乏具有解脲能力的有益細菌。使用尿素迴圈抑制劑,或基於雙歧桿菌的益生菌干預,可緩解尿素介導的小鼠腫瘤發生。 以下是目錄: Am J Respir Crit Care Med:NRF2啟動重新程式設計氧化代謝缺陷以恢復慢性阻塞性肺病中的巨噬細胞功能。 Cell:腫瘤內羅伊氏乳桿菌釋放的膳食色氨酸代謝產物促進免疫檢查點抑制劑治療。 Cell Reports Medicine:次級膽酸異熊去氧膽酸鹽與餐後脂血症、炎症和食欲相關,並在減肥手術後發生變化。 Cell Metabolism:由宿主微生物群適應不良引發的尿素迴圈啟動驅動結直腸腫瘤發生。 PNAS:哺乳動物維持氨基酸的同手性以對抗共生微生物的手性轉化。 Cell:大型中性氨基酸調控圍產期神經元興奮性和存活。 Nature Communications:FADS1-花生四烯酸軸通過改變結直腸癌的腸道微生態來促進花生四烯酸的代謝。 Nature Communications:Akk菌的唾液酸酶和岩藻糖苷酶對粘蛋白的生長和與黏液相關腸道細菌的營養共用至關重要。 1....
氨基酸代謝研究 一篇Cell的文章通過分析圍產期大腦不同發育階段的代謝狀態,發現一組氨基酸對出生後神經發育期尤為重要。在哺乳動物體內內源性氨基酸構型通常是L型,但腸道菌大部分是D型,宿主對微生物D-氨基酸的主動分解代謝維持了L型氨基酸的系統優勢。 益生菌的新功能發現 一篇Nature Communications的文章詳細分析了十種嗜黏蛋白阿克曼菌的特性糖苷水解酶,確定關鍵的黏蛋白脫帽岩藻糖苷酶和唾液酸酶對粘蛋白的生長和與黏液相關腸道細菌的營養共用至關重要。另一篇Cell的文章證實益生菌羅伊氏乳桿菌易位到黑色素瘤中,通過其釋放的膳食色氨酸分解代謝物I3A,局部促進產生干擾素γ的CD8 T細胞,從而增加免疫檢查點抑制劑的療效。 結直腸癌和菌群干預的新機制 一篇Nature Communications的文章發現結直腸癌的發生與宿主-菌群的代謝相作有關,其中AA合成途徑中的限速酶Delta-5去飽和酶FADS1-花生四烯酸AA軸調節革蘭氏陰性菌的腸道微生態增強花生四烯酸代謝促進了結直腸癌的發展。另一篇Cell Metabolism的文章證實在結直腸腫瘤發生過程中,宿主的尿素迴圈代謝被顯著啟動,同時缺乏具有解脲能力的有益細菌。使用尿素迴圈抑制劑,或基於雙歧桿菌的益生菌干預,可緩解尿素介導的小鼠腫瘤發生。 以下是目錄: Am J Respir Crit Care Med:NRF2啟動重新程式設計氧化代謝缺陷以恢復慢性阻塞性肺病中的巨噬細胞功能。 Cell:腫瘤內羅伊氏乳桿菌釋放的膳食色氨酸代謝產物促進免疫檢查點抑制劑治療。 Cell Reports Medicine:次級膽酸異熊去氧膽酸鹽與餐後脂血症、炎症和食欲相關,並在減肥手術後發生變化。 Cell Metabolism:由宿主微生物群適應不良引發的尿素迴圈啟動驅動結直腸腫瘤發生。 PNAS:哺乳動物維持氨基酸的同手性以對抗共生微生物的手性轉化。 Cell:大型中性氨基酸調控圍產期神經元興奮性和存活。 Nature Communications:FADS1-花生四烯酸軸通過改變結直腸癌的腸道微生態來促進花生四烯酸的代謝。 Nature Communications:Akk菌的唾液酸酶和岩藻糖苷酶對粘蛋白的生長和與黏液相關腸道細菌的營養共用至關重要。 1....