Constipation is one of the most common digestive problems among Asians and has many causes. In fact, 16% of adults, or 1 in 6 people, suffer from constipation. All-natural treatments are one solution, and the benefit is that they are safer than over-the-counter constipation medications and stool softeners, which can cause unwanted side effects such as stomach cramps, nausea, and throat irritation.
What is constipation?
Constipation is characterized by:
Infrequent bowel movements (less than 3 times a week)
Hard stool texture
Difficulty or pain in defecation
Defecation feels incomplete
Unfortunately, some people are particularly susceptible to constipation. This is especially true for women (especially during and after pregnancy), people taking certain medications, and people with gastrointestinal problems, while up to 33% of adults over 60 years of age suffer from constipation.
While over-the-counter medications can provide temporary relief, they are not effective in resolving constipation long-term. Natural stool softeners may be a better choice.
Natural stool softener
On average, Asians consume less than half the recommended daily fiber intake. For adults under 50, women should get 25 grams and men should get 38 grams of fiber. For example: Each apple contains about 4.4 grams of fiber, which is almost 9 apples a day for an adult male! Fiber provides bulking to the stool and stimulates peristalsis, ensuring it moves smoothly and quickly through the digestive tract. In fact, you can try some high-fiber foods such as peas, nuts, cereals, beans, fruits, and vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots) to meet your daily intake。Drink lots of water
Why does feces become hard? As stool passes through the colon, it absorbs water and becomes solid. When the colon is too sluggish, stool formation is also slow and too much water is absorbed. Staying well hydrated is one way to ensure your stools stay soft.Physical activity
Research suggests that exercise, such as walking, can relieve symptoms of constipation because if your abdominal muscles are strong enough, they will help promote bowel movement.Probiotics
Probiotics are the best partners for our intestines. Probiotic supplements provide your microbiome with active organisms to support a healthy ecosystem in your gut. Scientists have found that probiotics, especially Bifidobacterium lactis, can improve stool passage time, frequency and consistency.Improve your intestinal health with Gutolution!